Article 8 – Disputes and Protests
8.1 All complaints of violations of the NIHL By-Laws or of the Rules & Regulations of NIHL, and all notices of disputes (including suspected roster violations) shall be in writing, on a member organization’s (or participating organization’s) letterhead, signed by the President or the NIHL Representative of the member organization (or participating organization) and directed to the President of NIHL.
8.2 Any protests related to games must be submitted in writing by the President or NIHL Representative of the protesting organization, and must be received by the NIHL President within seventy-two (72) hours from the day of the game, and must be accompanied by a $100 check from the protesting organization.
8.3 The $100 payment is refundable only if the protest is upheld and is forfeited to NIHL if the protest is denied. Protests that are based on a “Judgement” call or mistake by a referee will be automatically denied.
8.4 All protests will be reviewed by the Rules & Ethics Committee and all practical efforts to hear all sides of the issue(s) including a hearing, if needed, will be undertaken before a written response is forwarded to all involved parties.